New P8 Newsfeed
GCC Uplink AntennaThe erection of our new high gain GCC dish antenna array at Discovery Base has lead to better communication with New P8. Look for the Newsfeed to be your primary link to exciting new developments and happenings.
The latest...
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GCC Uplink Antenna Array

MB4 Mining Machines ready for deployment

Runway Control Tower Erected...

Administrative Dome Air-Lock Entrance & Dome Description

Other shots...

Bio-Domes Built! Inside Your Cockpit Explore Mysterious Places Settlement Named
Custom living quarters Connection Tubes Erected New Ship Hangers Elite craft modification facility

Note: clicking on any of the above images... loads a page with the whole group and takes you to the specific one you selected. However this page loads a bit slow due to the amount of images... please be patient. Thank you.

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