February 10th, 2006

Virtual Reality Studio - Resource

Virtual Reality Studio - Resource. Now available, but still more on this will be coming! Frontier / Elite player can join in the fun! Contribute. Build a few elite ships for others to use in their VRS projects. Or, build your own Frontier base... whatever you like! Make it interactive, intriguing. Make objects, borders, complete games.... Be a creator! Not just a user. Share it with your friends.

January 5th, 2006

Flight Sim Toolkit Data Port: Coming Soon!! will be starting development soon on a long overdue new sub-section. The Flight Sim Toolkit Data Port will provide access to FST based projects, news, and associated files. I'm not sure why this section slipped through the cracks as long as it did... but thanks to the new FLY.EXE engine, FST has been brought roaring back to life! (This project delayed, currently in back of VRSR.)

November 9th, 2005

Taking A Peek

Development delayed for this new graphical section called: "Taking A Peek".... As an alternative to building extremely detailed sub-sections like the new Hyperspeed Base, Taking A Peek will provide a platform for encapsulated slide shows regarding other interesting products being used or researched by Mic.

The slogan - You can't be a true geek, without visiting: Taking A Peek!
Its still in the works, just a tad behind other endeavors. Ugh!