Virtual Reality Modeling Language:

Anyone who like flight simulations like Elite or Frontier... will indeed enjoy VRML. This much overlooked technology has great potential. Look for an increased focus in this area on Planetmic.com soon!

Not sure what VRML is all about? Well educate they self, now...

Go forth and learn:

The current standard is VRML 2.0, April 1997 Revision (often called VRML 97). New *.wrl web files requires a VRML plug in. In my research, I find the best VRML plug-in is offered for free download at: Parallel Graphics. It is called Cortona. Initial VR Frontier efforts will use a *.mus style VSHB software format that works outside of the web: allowing for greater speed and abilities. You'll be downloading a free VHSB (Virtual Home Space Builder) viewer... and modules I build for it - but more on that later.