MS SS1 Controls Function Press Increase Thrust Numeric Keypad PLUS SIGN or F7 Decrease Thrust Numeric Keypad MINUS SIGN or F6 Full Thrust END or F8 Cut Thrust HOME or F5 Fine Thrust Forward SHIFT + KEYPAD PLUS SIGN Fine Thrust Backward SHIFT + KEYPAD MINUS SIGN Fine Thrust up or down PAGE UP or PAGE DOWN Fine Thrust left or right INSERT KEY or DELETE KEY Cut Fine Thrust HOME or F5 Pitch up/down DOWN ARROW or UP ARROW Roll Left KEYPAD SLASH or F9 Roll Right KEYPAD ASTERISK or F10 Stop Pitch, Yaw, or Roll KEYPAD 5 or F3 Stop Velocity F4 Switch Between distance ALT + S radius and altitude Accelerate Time Scale F1 Decelerate Time Scale F2 Set time scale to 1.1 yrs/sec SHIFT + F1 Set time scale to 1 sec/sec SHIFT + F2 Autopilot on/off Z Vehicle Transfer SHIFT + T Undock SHIFT + U Spacewalk or Reboard Craft SHIFT + W Deploy or retract Lander SHIFT + D Extend retract Landing Gear G Sound off Q Calibrate Joystick J Pause Simulation PAUSE Reset Simulation CTRL + ESC Exit Space Simulator CTRL + BREAK Full Screen View on/off W Labels on/off L Open View 1 or make active 1 Open View 2 or make active 2 Open Map View or make Active M Turn on Instrument Panel I Cycle through Cockpit, Chase, S and Assigned Views Switch between Panning and D Tracking modes Heads Up Display On/Off H Choose Map origin O Choose Reference Object ALT + R Choose Tracking Object T Cycle through tracking objects Period(.) or Comma (,) Change chase craft Distance ALT+MINUS / or ALT+PLUS signs Change assigned view Location A Zoom in PLUS SIGN Zoom in Fast SHIFT + PLUS SIGN Zoom out MINUS SIGN Zoom out Fast SHIFT + MINUS SIGN Return to Normal Magnification ZERO ON KEYBOARD Pan Up ALT + UP ARROW Pan Down ALT + DOWN ARROW Pan Left ALT + LEFT ARROW Pan Right ALT + RIGHT ARROW Center View ALT + KEYPAD 5 Record a Video R Play a Video P Stop Recording or playing Vid Backslash (\) Take a space photograph PRINT SCREEN Clicking the Mouse Right Button Puts the mouse into yoke mode For max. window view with view Up Arrow Button on Vertical Bar or controls CTRL + F10 To restore to normal size CTRL + F5 A Zoom readout of 2.0 is the normal field of view setting Holding down the mouse button while you click the plus or minus zoom buttons allows you to continue to zoom Power Panning View is done SHIFT KEY + with: Any # key (except 5) on the Numeric Keypad Press to cycle to Rotation, ALT + N Thrust, or Panning Control on Joystick To change Time, Date ALT + T You can ROLL with mouse or CTRL Key while moving mouse or Joystick by holding down the Joystick to left or right. Stop ROLL F3 or left click mouse button if you are in Yoke mode or KEYPAD 5 Key 1 G of Thrust equals an acceleration of: 9.9 meters per second, per second. Switch between different ver. ALT + V of the Velocity Gauge 34 Kilometers per Second Equals 121,600 kph or 76,000 mph 1 G of Thrust Equals 8 taps of the PLUS KEY Max Thrust (4 Gs) 32 taps of the PLUS KEY The time scale for Space Sim... At its slowest setting: 0.001 seconds per second At its fastest setting: 8710.5 years per second Orbital maneuvers are more accurate when time scale is at: a lower rather than higher setting. If you increase the passage of time to much (to years per sec.) while in orbit, you may be flung out. Radius and Altitude info are 99,000 Kilometers (altitude of the not present until your spacecraft reference object is within... Distance measures: Center of Spacecraft to CENTER of Reference object Regarding Velocity Readouts: Tangential velocity is: incidential to the reference object. It displays your orbital velocity Radial velocity is: going towards or away from the ref. object. Total Velocity & Speed of Light Primarily used for interplanetary and Gauge... interstellar passages. Gauge does not operate unless traveling in excess of 5000 kps Ground Velocity and Vertical This gauge activates when within Speed Gauge... 1.01 radii of the surface of your Altitude Readouts display... elevation above reference objects surface. A landing is considered great when vertical velocity is below 10 Meters per sec. on impact. Turn slew ON or OFF Y In Slew Control All effects of Gravity are negated The speed of Light is: 299,792.5 kilometers per second All labels are turned on with: L Key Labels clicked on with the Preferences Menu will not be: overidden off with the L Key. At Intermediate and Advanced Crash is possible. You can have Skill Levels a temperature crash as well. .5 C 149,896.3 kps .1 C 29,979.3 kps 100 kps equals 100,000 mps 80 kph equals 22.2 mps or .02 kps