Last updated: | September 07th, 2003 (0200) |
Welcome, I see you have made it to my WebEarth directory. This is a rather secret web location so don't tell anyone, okay? (grin)
If you are looking for my primary website, you can go to my home page at here. If you are an Elite or Frontier Elite II player you will probably wish to go directly to the Pilot's Lounge. And, If you have a question, you are welcome to contact me at
However, there's a good chance you are here to look at - or download something. (I usually reference this area when I have particular files I am offering to share, often within an eGroup or message board. Anyway, this area is basically a storage facility.)
Okay, so as of the above date this is -most- of what I have here.
Download the file (96K) This is a technical document / application for creating additional landable large land structures with the SD editor. Includes examples and support files.
See an Elite shaped Moray Starboat created with the SD editor for use in Stunt Island.
For FST (Flight Sim Toolkit) USERS:
Shows an image the danadash. This jpg shows a screen grab of an FST sim running my custom "danadash". This is essentially a MSFS5.1 (Microsoft Flight Simulator 5.1) Cessna dash modified and augmented for use with FST. You get a shot of your girlfriend (Dana Delaney) covering one of the gauges.
Download the file This file is for FST users who would like to use the above dash in their sim.
Image of my Jupiter II FSD shape created for use within FST. This is one of my finest shapes. So complex, took a lot of time!
VRML Jupiter II FSD shape. If you have the VRML plug in you will be able to look over and examine this great shape. If you have Explorer 5 or above your VRML viewer should automatically launch. Its cool.
Using AVIs, Etc.. Here's a little page I was making regarding the use of AVIs, as well as converting FLC files to AVIs.