You actually want to play Frontier Elite II? Well, I am surpised after 20 years, people still want to play the game... but I am glad you do. The advent of DosBox has certainly changed it's "availability" for hundreds of new users... so, okay - here you may download a new custom Froniter Elite II (FE2) Package I've recently assembled for interested visitors curious about the game: like you!
The idea was to create a complete introductory assembly for anyone new to the game, but with a sincere desire to play. Basically, everything you need is nicely provided...
I've also written a slightly rambling help/readme file to go with the offering, which you can review here and inside as MICNOTES.TXT. The package also includes a nice suppliment of support files that should greatly enhance your gameplay experience. It's offered as either a self-installing Windows EXE file (recommended) or as a ZIP for more experienced users. There's absolutely no spyware or hurtful routines included - so you can relax running this program on your system. See MICNOTES.TXT for additional information. Note that files are designed to be usable on older DOS powered or DosBox running systems, thus maintain the strict vintage 8.3 naming convention.
(Oops, not yet available....)
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