Download FS4 and many other files...
- LIB-01: DOWNLOAD Complete versions of FS4;
(Supporting Users Only)
- LIB-02: DOWNLOAD "a few" FS4 Aircraft, Scenery, Utilities
from the Primary Collection; (Public Users)
- LIB-03: DOWNLOAD "all" FS4 files in the Primary Collection;
(Supporting Users Only)
- LIB-04: DOWNLOAD AAF, FS4 built with SubLogic USA, and More;
(Supporting Users Only)
- LIB-05: DOWNLOAD 800 x 600 driver for FS4 (and More...);
(Supporting Users Only)
Library 1
Enter FS4 Program Archive Vault (Supporting Users Only)
(Can't get in, click Support in the above...)
- VAULT1.TXT (43 bytes)
- PKUNZIP.EXE (29,378 bytes)
- FS4-QRF.TXT (286 bytes)
- FLTSIM4.ZIP (1,497,457 bytes)
- FS4B.ZIP (390,110 bytes)
- FS4MIC.ZIP (2,993,477 bytes)
- FS4NOTES.TXT (3,813 bytes)
- FS4-QRF1.JPG (825,463 bytes)
- FS4-QRF2.JPG (810,731 bytes)
Files within this directory are displayed in simple directory structure. Right click and "Save Target As" to download. Please READ all the provided *.TXT files as they contain valuable information. Below is an amended copy of FS4NOTES.TXT also found in the directory for download.
What's in the directory?
In this directory, you will find three great versions of FS4.
Version one is the last (bare) FS4 that was released: FS4.0B.
This is in a simple zip file. download this file to your computer.
Make a directory call FS4b.
Move the file to that Directory.
Also, download the provided version of PKUNZIP.EXE.
Put PKUNZIP.EXE also in that directory for simplicity sake.
Drop to VDM (Virtual DOS mode) prompt... if you are in WIN95/98
or if you are serious about using FS4... you should be
running DOS6.22 on a 486DX2-66 with and ISA motherboard, and good
old 8 or 16 Bit Soundblaster card (SB1.5,2.0, or PRO preferred.)
In.. DOS7.1 w/Win98 and newer systems, you can get sound with aSoundBlaster Live Value PCI 1024 card with the SB16 Emulation software installed... but, timing with this program is less than satisfying. There are other options if you have an ISA to PCI bridge in your system such as found on old (circa 1999) DELL GX1s, etc. In that case, a Soundblaster Vibra 16 (CT2800) would work rather well if the DOS drivers are loaded in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
Unzip the file with the command syntax below:
pkunzip fs4b.zip
Note, make sure your run through the start up questions with FS, not
FS4 (you can use that after the first run through).
Also, in this directory is a "pristine" the FS4 holy grail...
FS40b and ASD and SGA v1.5b and AAF - this is FS4 with all
the add-ons goodies! Note, there are sub-directories in the archive,
so you MUST use the below syntax when unzipping...
(As above, put the file and PKUNZIP in a separate directory you
make called: FLTSIM4.)
Unzip and recurse directories with the following command line syntax:
pkunzip -d fltsim4.zip
Again, start via FS, not FS4 - so as to go through the start up menus.
This version has the standard high res drivers for VGA chipset -
640 x 400. There are other drivers if you have a legacy older video
card supporting TSENG ET4000 to 800 x 600, and 256 VGA 640 x 400 with
shading and gradient sky for ATI Mach 32 (these are not included.)
Once in the program, go to Menu 1 and configure the sound option (k),
to match your system. Usually, pick Interrupt 5, Adlib for sound,
PC speaker for digital (use these settings to start..)
NEW Addition: FS4MIC.ZIP
This file is a merge between by my personal long running legacy edition
with lots of goodies of version of FS4 --AND-- the raw fully upgraded
copy of FS4 above as in fltsim4.zip.
The result is a 640 x 400 (M) running resolution selection version of FS4
that seems to run acceptable under DOSBOX 0.63 on an XP laptop.
It will also run in VDM DOS under Windows 98 without much trouble. FS4 will
support higher resolution on pure DOS or compatible systems (not included
This copy has lots of great stuff. Several Scenery areas, custom Adventures,
(fly with Cristy Alley - when she was thin... and other stuff). There are
also quite a few aircraft to check ride, neat custom scenery areas,
the list is endless... A life time of work... Please enjoy!!
The Startup is now in my usual location - Livermore, CA. Fly west to
fly into another SC1 area covering the Bay area. Also, looks great at
night - but fly in the late afternoon first. Run the provided adventures
from LVK (Livermore).
Happy Flying...
p.s. I have probably one of the most extensive, still existing, collection of FS4 files
on the planet - planes, apps, etc. If you ever want any more personal support than what is here... please remember, I am a computer consultant... so some form of compensation is usually appropriate.
Library 2
Enter FS4 Webport LIB 02 Archive (All Users)
This library contains just a taste of hard to find FS4 files available here at the FS4 Webport. To access "all" the files of this nature please visit library 03 (LIB 03).
Library 3
Enter FS4 Webport LIB 03 Archive (Supporting Users Only)
Okay, this library is the Primary Collection containing hundreds of near impossible to find FS4 treasures. These include program files, utilities, and support programs. You can preview a listing of what this library contains here (without being a Supporting User). If you want to access "all" the FS4 files of this nature at the FS4 Webport: LIB 03 is for you! This area receives the latest updates and new file additions...
NOTE: Supporting Users can download the entire LIB 03 Collection in one massive zip file here: FS4LIB03.ZIP
Library 4
This new library contains a bevy of goodies. If you are interested in building or modifiying Aircraft Adventure Factory planes.... this library PACK
it for you. Its rather large at nearly 29 meg, but contains a full-sized PDF of the Aircraft Adventure Factory Manual. Study of this document is essential to get a handle on building planes in the Windows based Aircraft Factory module, as well as an important section on writing cool Adventures. The entire (Basic like), Adventure Module and language are nicely addressed here. The potential is limited only by your imagination as to what you can create with the Adventure Factory.
The other primary component is a special custom build of FS4, with all the add-ons loaded, but then subLogic's massive USA Scenery Collection is integrated as well. Both USA East and USA West are available. Flying with USA scenery, especially at night is very impressive and just darn pretty. I do believe you will be quite impressed flying over the cities at night! For further info. on the above, you can check out a copy of the enclosed help document (MICNOTE.TXT), which you can review here.
NOTE A: Supporting Users can download the entire LIB 04 AAF / USA Pack as one massive zip file right here: FS4LIB04.ZIP
NOTE B: If you are having trouble running FS4 with subLogic USA scenery - UNDER DOSBox, please download this updated (03/36/2012) - customised and tested version: FS4USADB.ZIP
Note: LIB 04 open to: Supporting Users Only... (Hey, if this alone isn't worth a stinkin' 9 bucks - I don't know what is! (Click "Support" above for details and get immediate access following your kind donation).
Library 5
This is a new "General Purpose" Supporting Users Library Area.
Current Contents:
- 800 x 600 Resolution Display Driver Package for FS4 with complete instructions and additional documentation. Filename: SGA800.ZIP
Come on in and get the above: here.
Note: LIB 05 open to: Supporting Users Only... (I know, its annoying - this "pay to gain access" thing again, huh? Yeah - but like this addition alone has taken me hours to test, set up, package, code, document, upload, etc. And in essense, I'm am doing it for YOU, so - give me a break, show you care bit [grin]. (Click "Support" above for details and get immediate access following your kind donation).
Please check back again for more libraries being added!
Files within this directory are displayed in simple directory structure. Right click and "Save Target As" to download. Most files are in ZIP format. Information on the file contents are usually provided in the zip and end in *.TXT or *.DOC. Note that most of these *.DOC files are not MS word formatted files (the DOC extension was often used back in DOS days to denote a document -i.e. text file.) It is surprising how much information is inside some of these little zips. The zip file name will usually give you an excellent idea of what the file contains...
NOTE: FS4 related downloads are seperated here into public and supporting webport visitor libraries. Thus, some areas are password & username protected. Becoming a supporting FS4 Webport user is in no way to be considered payment or compensation for any software found in protected libraries. Intent is to simply limit bandwidth for certain downloads and as a type of "Token Gratis" to be offered by sponsors who appreciate the effort to detail and build out this website section, and to encourage the future development of FS4 Webport. Any abandonware, i.e. post commerical class software made available is offered only to rightful owners - as a courtesy to replace defective media. Click Support in the Menu Bar above for additional details...